Report a Concern or Incident

ACOM strives to ensure that students, faculty, staff and visitors are safe and not subject to discrimination, harassment or retaliation. Should you experience or witness discrimination, harassment or retaliation, please submit a report using the links below.

Filing a report helps to inform the college of concerning behavior and conduct impacting our community and permits outreach to those directly affected to promote their safety and well-being.

Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) or Discrimination

Use this form to report incidents of sexual misconduct and behavior that violate Title IX.

  • Dating and domestic violence
  • Gender-based discrimination
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual assault

Professionalism Violation

Use this form to report incidents of professionalism violations. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cheating
  • Unprofessional attire
  • Tardiness
  • Alcohol/drug use